Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chech Check

Great Britain-Suur Britannia
New Zealand-Uus meremaa
corn flower-rukkilill
good looking-hea välja nägemisega
have has had had-omama

Thursday, May 14, 2009


once up on a time there was a dog named Kibbels.Every morning he felt unhappy when his owner Jim went to school.One morning he desided to follow jim.He sniffed around and finally he got to school.He started to go in but suddenly the bell ranged and he got frignent .He ran and fell down the stairs to the basement. The school cook Sam found him and took him to the jard.Then he asked few doggies so finally Jim found Kibbels. But the Jim had to go to his lessons and Kibbels played whit Sam that time.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bed in summer

Talvel ma tõusen üles õhtul
ja riietun kollase küünlavalguse järgi.
Suvel on vastupidi
ma pean minema voodisse päeval.
Ma pean minema voodisseja vaatama
linnud ikka hüppavad puul,
või kuulata täiskasvanute samme
ikka möödumas mind tänaval.

ja kas see tundub raske
kui taevas on selge ja sinine.
Ja ma tahaksin mängida
kas ma pean minema vooisse päeval

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Exercise 5

I have to look after my little sister.
I have to feed my dog.
I have to help my mom.
My mom has to work in Tuesday.
My mother's room is always tidy.
I have to clean my room always when i come home.
I study everyday.
I wash up my dog everyday.
I go to school everyday.
I have to do my homework.
I have to learn how to cook.
I have to take my sister to the zoo.